Honestly, I have no real idea what my college degree might be. I like a lot of things; writing, helping out with animals, and law. So maybe I'll become a veterinarian, or a writer, or maybe do something in the field of law. Because of my classes, I could be any of those, but I think law is the class I have the most interest in. So perhaps I'll do something to become a lawyer, or a police officer. My college degree just depends on how I make up my mind, and what I want to do.
My electives I chose for the 2017-2018 school year was Law 1, Spanish 3 P/AP, AP Seminar, and BIM. I want to get my required classes out of the way, so that is why I took BIM. I decided to take Spanish 3 P/AP because in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2, they never really teach you how to speak Spanish, just to understand it. I wanted to take Law 1 because when I took the Principles of Law class it really interested me. Also, I took AP Seminar because MSI students in my grade were suggested to take it. Last year(2016-2017) I was part of the JV soccer team in my first year of athletics, but I don't think I will take athletics again. This year, I want to join a few clubs, something I couldn't do last year. I want to join Art club, BETA …show more content…
club, and maybe another one. Outside of school, on some weekends, I volunteer at the Humane Society of Cedar Creek Lake over in Tool. I love to see the dogs and cats, and it is a great chance to help out, and so I can get service hours easily.
Biology sounds like it may be interesting, but also maybe not.
I don't really have any experience with it, and never really decided to ask my twin brother about what they were doing Freshman year because I was taking chemistry. One part that really makes me nervous is memorizing words, and definitions. I know that isn't hard, but the amount of words just on the summer homework has got my brain raising some flags. I think whether I will think biology will be fun or not will depend on the first few weeks of school as I get adjusted to the class