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Why is Abortion Legal in the United States?
During the 1960s and early 1970s, U.S. states began to repeal their bans on abortion. In Roe v. Wade (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that abortion bans were unconstitutional in every state, legalizing abortion throughout the United States.
For those who believe that human personhood begins during the early stages of pregnancy, the Supreme Court's decision and the state law repeals that preceded it may seem horrific, cold, and barbaric. And it is very easy to find quotes from some pro-choicers who are completely …show more content…
The government may pass laws prohibiting death threats, for example, despite the First Amendment's free speech protections. But abortion can only be homicide if a fetus is known to be a person, and fetuses are not known to be persons until the point of viability.
In the unlikely event that the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade (see "What ifRoe v. Wade Were Overturned?"), it would most likely do so not by stating that fetuses are persons prior to the point of viability, but instead by stating that the Constitution does not imply a woman's right to make decisions about her own reproductive system. This reasoning would allow states to not only ban abortions, but also to mandate abortions if they so chose. The state would be given absolute authority to determine whether or not a woman will carry her pregnancy to …show more content…
Those are very heinous crimes but the child did nothing wrong. Most people hide their rape so it would be very hard to prove anyway. If the child remains a reminder to the mother of that night, the baby could be given up for adoption. The baby should not have to suffer for its father’s crime. Only 1% of women actually have an abortion due to rape or incest.
Mr. President, I know that you are a very busy man, but please take into account what I said. Abortion should be illegal because it is a cruel crime against the unborn. Think about it: a fetus turns into a baby and a baby turns into our future. So basically by allowing abortions to continue, America is killing its future. Homicide is he murdering of another individual, is that not the same as abortion? We punish people for homicide, but why not for abortion? Abortion is murder too.
The Morality of the Right to Abortion... And the Immorality of Those Who Oppose