
Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong
Abortion hurts one, but kills another
The right to live, is an exclusive right that each and every human being should have. No one has the right to rip it out of somebody’s hands, especially if it’s someone as innocent as a tiny little baby who has no say. People who commit murder are punished harshly, in many cases get the death sentence. Abortion is not any different from murder, they are both the same in the sense that they take away an innocent persons’ life? People need to understand that not only is it morally wrong, but, the effects afterward can be devastating. Abortion can occur in many forms all having serious consequences and, hurting the mother, but this can be prevented.
Abortion, exactly what is it? According to Webster’s dictionary it is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” Many other people see it simply as murder. The fact that someone has the heart to do such a thing to a tiny human being growing
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I a form that may help prevent abortion would be, to require a woman or couple to take a two hour class education on the damage that it could cause to the baby and the women herself. There are so many facts that the women doesn’t know about the little life she is carrying inside of her. In the two hour education classes the mother will be taught what abilities the unborn child has. For example the skeleton is complete and reflexes are available in, for 42 days. They also have all the organs functioning the stomach, liver, kidney, brain and all systems are intact within the 56 days. These are only some of the fascinating facts about an unborn child. There is a lot about the unborn child that not even experienced parents know this is why it is important to teach these women what goes on in their bodies with the baby. This way we can save more lives of both the mothers and the innocent

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