
Why Is Absolutism Still Relevant Today

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Why Is Absolutism Still Relevant Today
Did you know that less than half of the world population is totally free today? One of these few nations is the U.S, which is one of the freest countries in the world. But is it really? Connection… The world had many issues in the medieval ages until they had the enlightenment which claimed that people were all equal and had natural rights… until they turned right around and committed countless atrocities to other “uncivilized” countries in imperialism. Even today, we are severely missing in these freedoms that were claimed for everybody so long ago.

Before the enlightenment, monarchy(a form of government in which the king is the head) held all of the power. This form of government mistreated and was unfair to the people, specifically the poorest classes which always constituted the majority of the population of any kingdom. People believed they should have more rights and should be the government. Two very important revolutions happened because of the enlightenment that
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The Renaissance was when people started to gain creativity and the desire to learn. An other event that led to the enlightenment was the scientific revolution, people starting to come up with their own explanations for events in the world. Another preceding event was the Protestant revolution when a priest named Martin Luther decided that the church was unfair and created 95 theses on what the Catholic church was doing wrong and what they should be doing and gained many followers as a result. The Enlightenment led to the French deciding to revolt because they decided that they didn’t want any monarchy anymore because they thought that the system was unfair. However, this revolt led to chaos and in the end, an emperor came to power, bringing down their attempt at freedom. They decided what their rights should be by writing an important document called the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen that preached “ Life, Liberty, and

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