We are expected to follow orders and admit to our mistakes. It is unacceptable for any person to commit careless or illegal actions and deny them or lie about them. We should understand that we are not the only ones who are expected to be accountable. Our superiors are in their positions greatly as a result of their record of accountability. It is unlikely that any person who does not hold themselves accountable for their actions would ever be trusted in a position of superiority. They are in that position to be an example and to lead. It should me a daily reminder of what you want to accomplish with yourself.
It is understandable that it may be tempting for someone to resist being accountable. They may not want to get in trouble. They may want someone else to take the blame out of spite. Nobody wants to get in trouble, but if everyone lied and avoided justice, we would not be where we are today. Communication is an important part of maintaining accountability with everyone. We should always understand that it is not about being in trouble, it is about learning from our mistakes. If we do not suffer in some form for making a mistake, there is nothing to discourage us from doing it again.
Lack of accountability in the workplace can have a domino effect. If the person at fault does not take responsibility for his/her actions, he/she will never learn from his/her mistakes. He, in turn, may make the mistake