Activism and protests are important to a government, even more to a democracy, to help make a change, in some circumstances, which would not have had light shined on them otherwise. Without such demonstrations, we may still have segregation between the races and unequal rights between genders.
Generally, most people have the wrong idea about activism and protests. Undoubtedly there are “hippies” and “flower children” that protest things that do and do not need to change but people that are activists and protest are not confined to those two stereotypes. Furthermore I would go as far as to say that protesters and activists come from all walks of life. Another misconception of the matter is that protests are not peaceful. There are “bad apples” and “wolves in sheep’s clothing” that will go further and more destructive to prove their point and even stir up trouble by looting in the heat of a movement, but the group as a whole are not all like that. In fact, the people that demonstrate destructively and loot in the moment are looked down upon by most and even, in some circumstances, are protested as well. If you put aside media bias and dig to find more certain answers you will find that …show more content…
Debated issues such as women’s rights and segregation both had the backing force of activists to drive the issue to a good solvent. Even in more recent times a big debated topic like gay rights has the driving force of activists as well. I and many others believe that activism is as patriotic as owning a gun and the people who have and are organizing activism such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony are as patriotic as the founding