Jennifer Miller
616 Lawson Road (931)- 337- 4715
North Cumberland Elementary
Dr. Summershea Shadden-Cobb
Cumberland County
“Why is Agriculture Important to Cumberland County?”
Do you know important agriculture is to Cumberland County? To begin, agriculture provides most of our food these days for most of us. Additionally, agriculture in Cumberland County is where almost all of our everyday food comes from. For example, the salads you eat most of their ingredients come from agriculture. Lastly, agriculture is very important to Cumberland County because, without it we would not be able to eat some of our favorite foods such as ice cream or wheat bread.
In the beginning, what do you think agriculture is, just
plants or gardens. No, in fact, it is livestock, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, wheat, etc. Also, agriculture is everywhere just look out the window how much do you see, if you see a garden you are looking at agriculture. Nevertheless, many people still think it does not matter if you are one of these people try this, go one week without eating any agricultural foods. If you can do it good job you can live without it if you fail you are probably like most people you need it.
In conclusion, agriculture is extremely important because of how much food it provides for us. Even though, it provides almost all of our food many people think it is not needed. Nevertheless, agriculture is very important in our everyday life and those of our family. Also, it is not something you do not see almost everywhere you go in your entire life. Agriculture is also not only farming, but it is also taking care of livestock that you eventually eat. Finally, if agriculture did go away we would suffer tremendously that is why we need to have agriculture in our everyday lives, because if it was not what would we eat.