
Why Is America Important To The Poor

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Why Is America Important To The Poor
America is well known for many reasons, however one of the best things is for its capitalist economy. This comes with many perks and is very important. It gives a reason to work to try to succeed; it is the basis of the American dream. The idea that anyone can do anything, achieve anything. However it is not perfect, too much of the wealth is controlled by too few people and the rest have to make do with the scraps. The distribution of wealth in America is unjust, the wealthy have more opportunities and resources allowing them to become richer and more powerful, whereas the poor must make do with less and less, shrinking opportunities, as well as a bad reputation and general mistrust.
The Rich are getting richer the poor are not. The wealthiest
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While there is aid given to the poor by the government and many charities it is far from enough. What often happens is that the poor’s income is equal or just under what they require to meet their needs. This means that they are unable to save any money, so they are unable to move up in class and get off of welfare. They can’t save any money so if anything goes wrong if they get hurt and can’t work, if their house gets damaged, if their child gets sick, They won’t have any extra money to help them. So they will have to do without, in some cases that is impossible, or get a loan, only increasing weight of the anchor holding them in the lower class, and because they can’t get any money to save they can’t pay off the loan and it just keeps getting bigger because of interest. The same interest that helps make the upper class super rich. Then in order to try to get out of debt and pay off the loan they have to go without essentials. Those are called essentials for a reason. It is not good to go without them. (Get a

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