Animal testing is almost necessary for major medical breakthroughs; animals used in the past have made so many great discoveries throughout medical history.
For example, open heart surgery would not be possible today if Richard Lower did not do blood transfusions on dogs in 1666. Animals do not always guarantee that the process will work or be safe for humans, but they are good candidates for the job. Their bodies of animals, and our bodies are alike in certain ways. Also, animals are pivotal to vaccine research because vaccines cannot be developed by tissue culture alone. The vaccines are used to control infections over the entire body, hence the reluctance to use tissue cultures. Animals are almost needed for medical experimentation, and should therefore be allowed. However, there are some animal testing methods that can be excluded. Using animals in classrooms for dissections, and other purposes are not necessary. Other teaching methods can be used before using actual animal corpses, and feces. Teachers could use 3-D diagrams, or skip the whole hands-on experience. If the school felt the process absolutely needed, they could get animals that were already dead, even though it would be difficult. The point is that this is one method that our world could go
Another method that doesn’t have to be at the top of the priorities would be testing that included cosmetics, and drug/chemical irritation. Animals do not have to have this tested on them. People could volunteer if offered money. Prisoners on death row could be tested on as long as the people running the experiments were in safe circumstances for them to be able to test the prisoners. There are other options besides animals that could be used. Less animals would suffer, and die. At the same time, the results could be beneficial for society.
Animal testing does not have to be completely taken away. Only certain things should be controlled. As long as there are guidelines, and some rulings, it should prove to have an important role in making great advancements in the world.