
Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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Why Is Animal Testing Wrong
Animal testing is wrong, inhumane and disguised torture. Due to this, we are losing animals faster than we are losing humans. During our lifetime over 1 million animals would have been tested on to help find cures for diseases our communities could potentially get. Some say testing on animals is the most reliable solution for these diseases.....but is it? Animal testing has become the main reason for decrease in common household pets and wildlife. As we are living a free life, these animals are stuck in a cage not knowing what is to come. With new scientific research, the use of animals shouldn't be needed yet why do we still use it. Research into this topic has lead me to write about the decrease in the animals population, outcomes and alternative options and reliability.
273 animals
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From a young age, these animals are suffering being poked and prodded with needles. New diseases painfully eating away at them with no one to help them through it and just to die. Even though this may be breakthrough technology for humans, there are more humane ways to test instead of putting the poor animals through sheer pain. Instead of putting a helpless animal through this and physically having to change it you might as well just use a human suffering from the disease and find a way to cure it once and for all them having to do various tests to come out with one outcome. The animals are suffering, going through more pain then we would ever experience changing to become like us just to cure diseases that we have. If we use humans for testing we will have faster results and save not just more humans but also more animals. Because so many tests are going on, each year, worldwide over 100 million animals would of lost their lives to the harmful toxins decreasing the animals population dramatically. If we are not careful this is how we will see more and more animals become endangered. Is that really the only way that will

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