The Greek play by Sophocles; Antigone, tells a story of a sympathetic sister trying to bury her dead brother; Polyneices, but cannot because of the “evil” King Creon. Although, that is how the play seems instead, I see it as one person’s actions leading to series of events that end up making everyone’s day just miserable. The theme of this play is morality, which is what you personally think is right from wrong. In my opinion, Antigone’s morals were wrong for all the right reasons and Creon’s morals were right for all the wrong reasons. Antigone was wrong because she defied Creon’s law of burying Polyneices but for what was right and justice. Creon was right because Polyneices fought against his own country but should have given him a proper burial because he also fought bravely and was part of the family chain. After Creon had made the law of not honoring Polyneices, Antigone just went on and buried him which leads to everybody’s day being ruined. In my opinion Antigone lands on Stage 2 of Kohlberg’s scale. …show more content…
Antigone knew burying her brother meant facing Creon but she did it anyways and let no one share the blame when her sister Ismene, tried sharing the blame with her. “No, Ismene you have no right to say so. You would not help me, and I will not have you help me… The dead man and the gods who rule the dead know whose act this was, words are not friends” (711). Although Ismene’s death means that she cares about her sister and would die for her, Antigone still refused and her pride took over. Burying Polyneices did not benefit anybody but her and her sister. Since Ismene did not want anything to do with the burial of Polyneices and Antigone turned Ismene away, she is acting as an isolated