The mother is usually the chef of the house. She goes to the grocery, chooses the healthiest food options for her kids and husband, and prepares three meals a day for all the family. Then, she has to take care of the kids, so she wakes them up in the morning, prepare them for school, pick them up, and take them to after school activities. And if it was not enough, once she goes home she still has to do everyone’s laundry, other than cleaning the house of course. Housekeeping is like an actual job, but it is not considered as such because not even a high school degree is needed for people to do it, and it does not require much strength from the person. This is the reason why in the past it was always considered a female …show more content…
With this quote the author is trying to say that if a son is used to see his mother always at home cooking and cleaning, while the father is only working outside the house, that’s what the son will think it’s the right thing to do, therefore he will never do the housework. Parents are role models for their children, so they should share the house activities in order for them to be an example to their sons. If a son is used to see his parents sharing the housework, he will do the same when he will have his own