The term Buddha took a leap of importance on indian culture, it was used before but not so importantly, it is understood as a person who has awakened from the deep sleep of ignorance. The turning point in Siddhartha’s life was attaining nirvana, maybe it is the culmination of a long process of personal discipline and self-cultivation. The complexity and ambiguity of such term is still debatable today. For some nirvana means living an “enlightened” life, in touch with the way things truly are, free of delusion, greed and hatred, ultimately what it truly means may never be so clear. Many meanings and interpretations have took place, something that have been sort of a dilema in human history. The first teaching given by the Buddha was to five student smonks. He spoke of the Four Noble Truths he had discovered while struggling for enlightenment, and these are their main focus in this philosophy. It was the Buddha's first awareness that life brings with it. He saw illness, age, misery and death, this make him realize the harshness of life. A understanding of life and its suffering lead him to search ways to end …show more content…
Time comes for all of us, rich, poor, it does not matter. Suffering can come alone and with a companion. An example is a student caring for his old aging mother, you can experience pain for her but not her pain because of the aging. They come together in a manner that it always affect other around you. This truth argues that people have to move on this as it cannot be avoid. This is some harsh words for some, and not only in actuality but throghout centuries. There is something about it that makes us humans worried subconciusly about it. One shouldn’t be afraid of what is not in control of the subject, only what can you controlled your main focus should be. Is logical to think about it, but the important part is how you react to it. Life itself is hard, being worried much about things totally out of your hands is something esential to move on. Buddha also thought us that not only physical but mental suffering is one of the forms. Sadnees, loneliness, depressions come with being human. Another example that shows this is when parents feel frustatred because economical distress in this century. They are daily working so the bills get paid, maybe it isnt that, maybe just the boredom of the job is making them miserable. These experiences can be summed up as painful feelings that arise from