A college degree is one of the most overrated accomplishments you can have (Weider). The cost of going to college is not worth it for many aspiring young adults. Up until the modern internet age, it would have been necessary to have a college education to succeed. As time goes on, more and more people are deviating away from the traditional steps used to start their careers. While a college degree helps a lot for your career, people should not go to college because it is not worth the cost because employers are giving opportunities to work your way in into a job instead of studying how to do something, You can get a good education online for a relatively low cost, and it creates an enormous amount of debt which takes away …show more content…
A big issue with this is that the internet is not accessible to everybody and limits education for people who live in third-world countries. However, for the majority online education provides the same opportunity at a much lower cost for high school graduates who wish to educate themselves to be prepared for an occupation that hey want to pursue (Boettcher and Conrad). The issue of not having enough money to go to college is no longer a big enough reason to stop you from being successful because there are opportunities to get educated online at a much lower price than college. The internet is a huge resource in education because there are numerous amount of websites and videos to choose from to learn about a concept (Webster and Hackley). Knowledge is just at our fingertips and it has never been easier to learn something new quickly thanks to the internet. The internet provides an opportunity for students who are located in remote locations that don't have good colleges at a low price (Ormrod). People don’t have the same opportunities to succeed now as they did 20 years ago (due to the internet) when you were out of luck if you were located in a remote area and wanted to get a good education. The internet hosts numerous amounts of websites and programs that can help you educate yourself to the same level a …show more content…
People today are given opportunities to work their way into an occupation. Education is available at our fingertips online for a low cost and accessible 24/7. A major problem with college is the debt that has to be paid off as soon as you graduate. In conclusion, it is evident that not going to college is a choice you should make because you can spend more time investing in your up and coming career.
Works Cited
College Financing Information for Teens: Tips for a Successful Financial Life. 3rd ed., Omnigraphics, 2017. Teen Finance Series. Gale Virtual Reference Library, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/pub/02YB/GVRL?u=odl_brokenahs&sid=GVRL. Accessed 16 Jan. 2018.
Crawford, Matthew B. “The Case for Working with Your Hands.” New York Times Magazine.
New York Times, 24 May 2009. Web. 19 Dec. 2011.
Lei, Simon A. and Rajeev K. Gupta. “College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs from Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives.” Education, vol. 130, no. 4, Summer2010, pp. 616-631. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tfh&AN=50839014&site=ehost-live.
Wieder, Ben. “Thiel Fellowship Pays 24 Talented Students $100,000 Not to Attend College.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 25 May 2011. Web. 20 Dec.