Many people say college is expensive even though, sometimes it is but when students go to college they are more likely to be employed because they have a degree. Both sides have pros and cons. Many people think college is monolithic or it turns people average. Colleges aren’t and don’t turn students average, colleges prepare students for the world is what one view says.
Is college worth the price? Are we being tricked? “Mom-and-pop” trade schools are mostly for-profits. …show more content…
He does this by stating them as “misperceptions” or in other words things that are misunderstood. He explains to the readers how there are seven misunderstandings about liberal arts. The first misunderstanding is that liberal art schools are so expensive that no one can afford them. People now in days focus on their careers. While there are shortcuts in career education, shortcuts don’t help people out in the real world. Liberal art schools show students multiple careers they can have with their field of study. The second misunderstanding is, it’s harder for people with liberal art degrees to find jobs. In a recent study it showed that about three quarters of nations employers want people who have a degree in liberal arts. Employers want people who can communicate orally and be creative. The third misunderstanding is that liberal arts are irrelevant. Ungar sums this up by saying, “that the rich folks will do the important thinking, and the lower classes will simply carry out their ideas.” In other words only the rich get to go to liberal art schools and they only can think. The fourth misunderstanding is no one should lonely study the arts. S.T.E.M. is what students should follow. Liberal arts isn’t just arts though, it’s grammer, natural sciences, logic, and many others. In other words liberal arts is an art and science school. The fifth misunderstanding is liberal Democrats have gotten into trouble in the past. Liberal arts has nothing to do with politics. That’s a lie because this only thing liberal arts does with politics is people can go into that field. The sixth misunderstanding is America is the only place that clings to things like liberal arts. Most places go right into the study of things right after high school. Recently China has been asking about the liberal arts in the US. The seventh and last misunderstanding is “the cost of American higher education is spiraling out of control, and liberal art colleges