Capitalism is based on a free-market and communism is based on a command market. A free-market is based on the concept of laissez-faire, or the thought that governments should not intervene with the working man in order for him to achieve the most and be successful. A command market conceptualizes the thought that with government control
over the industry, problems within the economy will not happen, and people will be left with no worry. With these two concepts in mind for both types of government, they have their downfalls.
In a free-market someone is given the choice to succeed or not depending on their confidence and willing to try their hardest to earn what they want. The government does not limit a person to thrive in the economy. This is outlined in document G by Adam Smith in his book, “The Wealth of Nations”. Someone who comes up out of nothing can try their hardest and end up at the top. But sometimes even trying to end up at the top you can find problems caused by the richer class of the country which is portrayed by document E, “Pyramid of Capitalist System”. People can end up unemployed due to the richer class and lobbyist who try to influence the politicians whom regulate the economy sometimes. There are many cases where this happens in the United States.
A command market keeps everyone working and regulates/limits the economy to what is needed in order for the country to stay alive. No one in a free market is ever without work. This is even explained by a 16 year old child who lives in Moscow, depicted in document A. No worries about being too poor to survive; but only that. Someone cannot be as successful as can be and is subject to work according to government necessity. In document B, the artist of the picture shows that through a free-market (U.S) agriculture worker can succeed on his own but in a command market (Russia), five year plans or regulations by the government tend to have a bad effect on agriculture and keep the people working like slaves.
Both capitalist and communist governments have their problems, but in the end both try and serve the needs of the people accordingly.