
Why Is Corruption Important In Hamlet

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Why Is Corruption Important In Hamlet
“Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism.” - Joe Biden. Corruption has been present in everything from government to businesses in one way or another you can alway find it, not only is it easy to fall into but is almost impossible to get out of. Corruption also comes in places that you would never guess like in a play. William shakespeare wrote Hamlet with many examples hidden within. Corruption can be traced really far back and also to the highest of the ranks, it is something that exists right now and will keep reappearing till the end of the human race.
During the era of the queen Elizabeth, when the Globe theater opened there was a world similar to the one today. It was easier to spot who was
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They are not as perfect as people believe them to be. Claudius becomes king of Denmark after the death of his brother old king Hamlet. Old king Hamlet did not die of natural causes but was actually poisoned by his own brother. Claudius is so power hungry that he went as far as to kill his brother just to be with his brother's wife and power. Claudius didn’t plan on the old king Hamlet's ghost coming back from the dead to help his son Hamlet to find the killer. The ghost coming back is like a foreshadow that the death of the old king was not of a natural cause since his spirit can’t rest in peace. The ghost can be considered one if not the most important character of the play because if it was not for his appearance Hamlet would never plan to kill Claudius (Weiss). The ghost tells hamlet that he was poisoned and he want his son to revenge him by finding the real killer his uncle. Hamlet believes the ghost but does not trust it so much, hamlet plans a play where he will portray what the ghost told him about his father death. When the new king attends the play with his new wife and sees the play he runs off, with the king’s actions Hamlet concludes that the ghost is telling the truth. Hamlet finds his uncle praying and wants to kill him but decides not to, he believes that if he kills him while he is praying he will go to heaven. King Claudius killed his brother because he was so power hungry and desperate to be with his brothers …show more content…
“another man who had arranged a contract killing was pilloried twice, losing an ear each time”(Picard). This is one of the many punishments that could be given to someone for having someone kill another during the Elizabethan era. Claudius probably knew the consequences of having someone killed that would explain Hamlet's departure to England. Hamlet acts crazy when in reality he is not, Hamlet moves from an environment that is very different from the environment at the kingdom, the kingdom is like a hospital meanwhile in the university his wits are welcomed and applauded (Weiss), he wants his uncle to be afraid of him. If the king is scared of Hamlet he might make a mistake and eventually will be found out by someone else. Hamlet wants justice to be served but if justice doesn’t happen he is willing to take matters into his own hands and serve justice himself. “By letters congruing to that effect, The present death of Hamlet. Do it, England,” (Bloom). Claudius is sending a letter to England to have Hamlet killed by a different government. He wants to get rid of Hamlet, but he doesn’t want to kill him in Denmark because if he did it would show that Hamlet was right. Claudius wants to kill Hamlet because he knows that he is the one who killed old king Hamlet. Hamlet knowing the truth will want to kill claudius, that’s why he is being sent

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