The HIPAA Privacy rule attempts to provide protection for individuals as they enhance their effective system of healthcare. De-identification measures of the Privacy Rule are one way to permit data sharing between covered entities, …show more content…
Hence, the re-identification process needs the right experts to handle to tasks, which means that there is just a small amount of people who are able to obtain this job. Furthermore, organizations the safety and privacy of an organization and their patients can substantially improve because of their healthcare professionals who are better equip for the job. In this case, when there are more efficient healthcare providers, then patient’s information must be highly secured especially if their information is being …show more content…
This means that they are able to perform a statistical analysis on determining whether or not the data set can be used to identify individuals. In the end, if the expert can recall that the risk is “very small”, then the data can be considered de-identified.
The Safe Harbor method extensively requires covered entities to receive actual knowledge that either requires individual information or a combination of information that helps identify an individual who is the subject of the information. The safe harbor method also is more convenient because the HIPAA Rules are much broader as when it includes specific data elements. Hence, the confusion when comparing data sets with data elements many occur, which sows for the needs of expert healthcare professionals to ensure servers with the HIPAA list to ensure that they do in fact count as