Hamlet is confused as to why the gravedigger has ‘’no feeling of his business’’ as he ask Horatio why does he not feel sorrow (in mid act five scene one) in order to make some sense of what he is witnessing at the grave sight. Hamlet’s metaphysical approach to death is a result of theoretical speculative action. As in the beginning of the tale he is swarmed by constant fear and assumption of death followed by thoughts of suicide where he poses his vast inquiry, To be or not to be, that is the question..(in act three scene one). His acts of speculation lead him to be a brave coward, willing and open to encounter death while at same time petrified; Contradicting the idea of what he poses to
Hamlet is confused as to why the gravedigger has ‘’no feeling of his business’’ as he ask Horatio why does he not feel sorrow (in mid act five scene one) in order to make some sense of what he is witnessing at the grave sight. Hamlet’s metaphysical approach to death is a result of theoretical speculative action. As in the beginning of the tale he is swarmed by constant fear and assumption of death followed by thoughts of suicide where he poses his vast inquiry, To be or not to be, that is the question..(in act three scene one). His acts of speculation lead him to be a brave coward, willing and open to encounter death while at same time petrified; Contradicting the idea of what he poses to