The philosophical issue stated in the passage is whether death is the end or not? According to the passage, it illustrates us that life actually comes from death by using plants and animals as examples and then draw the conclusion that death is not the end. In my opinion, the passage only shows us that death is not the end to those specific species but not to the individual because there is no proof of the new plants or animals are the original ones. When it comes to death, we always refer to somebody’s death. So in terms of the individual, I believe death is the end.
Is ‘Death Really Not the End’?
First thing first, if we believe in death is not the end, then in what status do we exist after …show more content…
If death is not the end, if we can survive death, it is apparently not a good news to us. I have watched a movie called ‘The Man From Earth’ which describes a man, John, who lives for 14,000 years on Earth. In this case, John can live forever, then what does his life look like? He cannot stay at one place for too long and has to leave his beloved one in order not to be discovered that he never ages. To john, life is meaningless. If we can still survive after death, there is a high chance that we will get bored because we all get bored sometimes. Even if we will not get bored, there is no way for us to prove that the man who can survive death is the same man. As I have mentioned, ‘death’ in this essay refers to the individual’s. Besides, four noble truths of Buddha states that life is suffering.[4] If life is painful, surviving death can only make life worse. ’The solution to this is to live life correctly and to travel through life productively and enjoyably’ said the Buddha.[5] If death is not the end, life definitely loses its meaning and thus ‘death is not the end’ is not a good thing at …show more content…
Sacred Journey: Living Purposefully and Dying Gracefully. Lotus Press, pp. 31-38
[5] Swami, Rama. Sacred Journey: Living Purposefully and Dying Gracefully. Lotus Press, pp. 31-38
[6] BRENNAN, TAD (2002). Immortality in ancient philosophy. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Retrieved December 04, 2014, from
[7] BRENNAN, TAD (2002). Immortality in ancient philosophy. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Retrieved December 04, 2014, from
[1] John, Danaher. ‘Is Death Bad or Just Less Good? (Part One).’ Philosophical Disquisitions. 7 July, 2012. Retrieved November 27 2014, from
[2] Garth, Kemerling. ‘Plato: Immortality and the Forms’ Philosophy Pages. 12 November 2011. Retrieved November 27 2014, from
[3] Nicholas, Everitt. ‘Substance Dualism and Disembodied Existence (2000).’ The Secular Web. Retrieved November 27 2014, from