There are many nursing theorist that have influenced the development of nursing research. Nursing Theorist have provided the interrelated frameworks of ideas which focus on nursing practice. Through clinical application and information, nursing science adds relevance to the care of patients in health and disease. Nursing theories provide guidance to researchers and educate nurses (Keefe, 2011) to look at different approaches in caring for their patients. This paper will show how one theorist most influenced the development of nursing research.…
From the initial days of Florence Nightingale to today’s integrated era, nursing theory has set the pace as nursing practice has developed into a recognized scientific discipline. In order for a profession or discipline to transform from a vocation there is a need for the discipline to establish and to validate itself (Bond, 2011). Nursing has utilized nursing theory, research and practice to do this. Nursing theory is part of the three-prong effort to develop the body of knowledge that is nursing. Nursing theory drives research in that it helps to focus research on concepts that are significant to the delivery of nursing care. Without nursing theory, research efforts are squandered, as there is no structure to apply the learned knowledge to. The use of nursing theory as a framework or a blueprint helps to identify the need for research and guide the process to validate or reject the anticipated outcomes proposed by…
The model is used frequently in most health care organizations by nursing through the individualized care of patients. Orem’s passion for nursing is made apparent through her theory and the amount of time she spent personally developing the theory. The theory is utilized in many different areas of nursing including education, practice and research. The model incorporates the four metaparadigms of person, health, environment and nursing. Orem’s main focus within her theory is that of self-care. Orem’s theory can be individualized and utilized widely by the nursing profession and has contributed to many successful patient outcomes by being aware of…
Many philosophers believe that theories are human inventions rather than phenomena. Theories are not something which happens in the past; rather, they are theorists’ ideas based on the levels of knowledge and experience . Theories are classified based on many professional areas . Nursing theory is one of many professional areas and also considered as a unique piece of philosophy which is different from other theories. Many nursing theorists including Florence Nightingale have produced great pieces of nursing philosophies and concepts over hundreds of years. This paper is going to define theory, explain the purpose of theory, introduce the definition of metaparadigm and its four elements, and emphasize the importance of theory in nursing…
Parker, M. E., & Smith, M. C. (2010). Nursing theories & nursing practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis…
There are many situations in nursing care where a nurse would apply a nursing theory. As Hood mentioned, a particular nursing theory may fit a clinical situation better than others (Hood, 2014, p.149). This allows the nurse to use the wide array of models to give care that is patient centered. The theory that appealed to me most is Orem’s theory. Orem’s theory states that “the purpose of nursing is to help people meet their self-care needs” (Hood, 2014, p.136). This I feel plays an important part in the recovery of the patient.…
Dorothea E. Orem’s self-care theory most resonates with my care of the maternity patient. It encompasses physical, interpersonal, psychological, and social aspects. Since most of the labor patients I take care of are considered “well” patients with insignificant medical issues, most of my time is spent teaching and observing – making sure my patient is able to care for her child once she leaves the hospital. This includes determining not only the physical needs, but also social and psychological well being of mother and father or extended family members involved in the care of the…
to the practice of nursing; however it is also guided by theories. Nursing theories and…
designed to guide the practice of nursing” (Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 2012). Nursing theories can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize what and how much that nurses do contribute to the healthcare field. I never did realize how important theories in nursing practice could be until I became a nursing student myself. Nurses use theories in their everyday practice, but never think about them as being responsible for guiding our clinical skills. However, in the student’s eye, it is very easy to see how important theories are in practice. The concepts of Florence Nightingale’s Environment theory will be discussed in relation to how it impacts the nursing profession and patient care. The key concepts of Nightingale’s theory and their relationships with one another will be summarized as well as its relationship to nursing education.…
Florence Nightingale revolutionized the way in which people view nurses and the way in which nurses respond to their responsibilities. By transforming the nursing profession from a curing nature into one that focuses more on the nurturing aspect of care allows one to reach their optimal potential for a healthy life.(Selanders, 1998) Nightingale’s four elements that she viewed as the meta-paradigm of nursing have served the nursing profession well for the past one and a half centuries. I feel very strongly in the foundation of Nightingale’s ideals and have adapted them into my own philosophy of nursing. The key to the development of theory: 1. Strong foundation of knowledge and understanding. 2. Willingness to learn and be open-minded to new ideas. 3. Make the most out of nursing/ enjoy the work, be the best nurse one can be. 4. Continually think about how one can have an impact on either a patient or on the nursing community as a whole. 5. Reflection…
Jean Watson formulated her theory based on her work to enhance nursing as a profession. Her background and work led her to formulate carative factors as opposed to the more traditional curative factors. According to Watson the major elements of her theory are “the caraticve factors, the transpersonal caring relationship and the caring moment” (Cara, 2003, p. 51). A caring moment occurs when the nurse and a patient come together in such a way that an occasion for human caring is created (Cara, 2003). Jean Watson’s work includes transpersonal caring relationships and caring moments or occasions. Mind, body, spirit connectedness of human beings, interpersonal commitment, and intentionality in caring are factors that provide an effective base for nursing practice. “Developed in 1979 and revised in 1985 Watson views the carative factors as a guide for the core of nursing” (Cara, C. 2003, p. 52).…
After the Second World War, the shortage of nurses was so severe that the demand for such services could not have been effectively met. Consequently, three pathways to becoming a registered nurse, qualified to practice in the United States emerged. Two of these are the most prominent. One is by being an Associate degree nurse, usually having studied at a community college while the other one is the Baccalaureate degree nurse, having studied at a university. Another distinction is that an associate degree nurse would normally be having two to three years of nursing training while a baccalaureate nurse will have between four to five years of nursing training (Friberg, 2011). However, for both sets of nurses, one has to sit and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) in order to become a registered nurse (RN).…
I agree the Nursing Practice (DNP) prepares nurses with the degree to meet the increased need by providing leadership in community health centers, serving on interdisciplinary teams, and advocating for and directing future policy initiates. As primary care providers, the role of the DNP can be enhanced through the use of a primary care models that addresses the associated challenges related to increasing preventative care in the healthcare system. Although DNP are leaders, barriers need to be removed so that DNPs can provide the care they have been prepared to offer ( Lathrop & Hodnicki, 2014). Healthcare continues to change and is a life-long learning process that requires nurses to keep up with that change.…
27. Hartweg DL. Health promotion self-care within Orem 's general theory of nursing. J Adv Nurs. 1990; 15(1): 35-41. Retrieved April 9, 2008, from…
My decision to pursue a career in nursing came from my personal and professional experiences. When I was 13 years of age, I took care of my elderly grandma who had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease. I knew that the disease was incurable but I did all to help grandma cope with her daily problems. I learned a lot from that experience. From that time I have dreamed to become a highly qualified, experienced, and very competent nurse. I want to work as a qualified nurse before becoming a doctor, which is my ultimate goal. As a Christian, I believe that compassion and care have a positive impact on a patient's physical and psychological state. In my view, an efficient nurse is the one who directly provides primary care, communicates with a patient, establishes mutual trust, and acts as a healer of both body and mind.…