
Why Is Donald Trump Bad

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Why Is Donald Trump Bad
“When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough” – Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a businessman who owns hotels, casinos, and one of the best real-estate companies in the world. In other words, he is a billionaire worth 3.7 billion dollars. However, what makes him unique from the rest of the billionaires around the world is that he is the Republican candidate running for President of the United States of America. He plans to make our country stronger as a unit and will help us rise from our trillions of dollars of debt that we owe. He may say stupid things at times, but politically and economically, Donald Trump knows what to do so our country can get out of the dumps and be an immortal force that is standing strong because at the end of the day we need a president that is different from the rest of the politicians, and a president that will protect us as a country from a countless numbers of threats, like North Korea.
Donald Trump has a great vision to make our country better in all aspects, especially our economy which has been in the dumps since 2008 when our third biggest investment bank (Leman Brothers Holding Inc.) went bankrupt and the top two investment
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Is that really the type of President you want? Donald Trump’s big mouth can say bad things, but it can also be a very valuable asset in the long run. He would be able to communicate better with international presidents and minsters which would mean more allies for the United States that will support us through times of need. Also, Hillary Clinton wants to allow more refugees into our country, which means a greater risk of the occurrence of terror attacks throughout our country. How can we trust people who are coming from Syria that may be influenced by ISIS, entering our

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