Donald is known for constantly telling people to show the entire nation personal documents such as birth certificates, tax records, college records, and more personal records that no one really needs to see or know about. However when Trump gets asked to release any documents he will go and avoid the question or just say something to get the crowed going such as saying “I’ll show my tax returns when Hillary shows us the deleted emails”. Which is clearly a tactic to get the media and public attention away from him. Although Trump says a lot of controversial comment and makes a lot of requests for others to show documents but, won’t show the public his. While Trump has made all these claims and has been very controversial in most situations the polls show that people really do not care what he says. Currently Trump is behind Hillary 2.5%. With all of the the media and public outrage against Trump it would make you believe that Hillary would be winning by a much higher margin. On all of the polls but one Trump is either behind Hillary or tied with her. So even though Trump is controversial he is still in the presidential race and could win the
Donald is known for constantly telling people to show the entire nation personal documents such as birth certificates, tax records, college records, and more personal records that no one really needs to see or know about. However when Trump gets asked to release any documents he will go and avoid the question or just say something to get the crowed going such as saying “I’ll show my tax returns when Hillary shows us the deleted emails”. Which is clearly a tactic to get the media and public attention away from him. Although Trump says a lot of controversial comment and makes a lot of requests for others to show documents but, won’t show the public his. While Trump has made all these claims and has been very controversial in most situations the polls show that people really do not care what he says. Currently Trump is behind Hillary 2.5%. With all of the the media and public outrage against Trump it would make you believe that Hillary would be winning by a much higher margin. On all of the polls but one Trump is either behind Hillary or tied with her. So even though Trump is controversial he is still in the presidential race and could win the