such as teenagers because of the way they are portrayed but you should try to understand them before judging them like she did. Ellen goes on to say how respectful and admirable she is of the staff at Passmores Academy because of their commitment to caring and providing support for the students, she also conjectured “Anybody who’s ever raised a teenager knows how it can often fell like the Somme”. What Ellen is saying here is that if you've ever had to raise a teenager you know the hardship that follows that commitment and it’s great to see Ellen caring for a generation that is so misunderstood.
Overall, Ellen had a more mature approach to Educating Essex and actually changed the way she viewed teenagers in general while Levy & Davidson just kept putting across what preconceived ideas of teenagers they had and didn't even stop to think how they were affecting the pupils at Passmores Academy, This goes to show that people can have their minds changed about how they think about teenagers but others still remain in the stone age and don’t want to admit that what they believe isn't 100% correct.