
Why Is Family Important In Hamlet

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Why Is Family Important In Hamlet
To React, or Not React - That is The Question

Provider, leader, teacher, and protector. These are common roles that are known for a man who has a family, but when you are in a position of noble stature, these roles do not stay in your family, they extended into the lives of those that look upon you as a king. When the father dies, this role is normally passed on down to the eldest son in the family who then becomes the “man of the house”. What happens when the son does not protect, and follow through with what the father has asked the son? Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare that follows the course of one particular son who has been asked by his father to avenge his death, but fails to do it as quick as society would expect him
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This is because men are seen as big rulers of the household or the “head honcho”, and they are known for being built specifically for defending their home. King Hamlet proudly did this for his kingdom and the people in Denmark. He protected Denmark and fought for his people to keep them safe, and to also keep his home safe. This is mentioned in I. ii. 17-24, of the book, where it says more specifically in I. II. 22-25, “importing the surrender of those lands lost by his father, with all bonds of law, to our most valiant brother - so much for him.” Valiant means to be courageous and knowing this definition, we can understand that King Hamlet was courageous in taking the land that King Fortinbras had owned. He fought for the land and fought in protection of his land. Protecting does not always mean physically, it can also be an emotional thing, and it is important for fathers/men to be careful with protecting the emotions of their family. Polonius does this with his daughter Ophelia when he tells her not to talk to Hamlet. He does this as a way of protecting Ophelia from being hurt by Hamlet (since he’s supposedly gone crazy), and also from being emotionally hurt by Hamlet in her heart. Hamlet does not consider the emotional state of his mother and how he should protect it when it comes to sharing information that the man that she has married killed her recent husband. When she heard about it, she asked Hamlet seven times to stop talking about what had happened, and what she had done, but Hamlet did not stop - he pressed on and was ruthless about how the information was shared. This shows that Hamlet did not care to protect the heart, and emotions of his mother, instead he wanted to lash out on her and, “speak as sharp as a dagger to her” but, “won’t use one on her.” (III. ii.

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