Torrio taught him everything he needed to know about being a crime boss. This led him to take over the entire operation when Torrio left after opposing gangsters tried to kill him. Capone disregarded Torrio’s instructions to play it safe and lay low. Instead, he started to live a lavish, overt life with press watching Capone like a hawk. This led to him becoming a beloved person by the public, he was almost considered as a heroic outlaw. Then he began to rule the world of bootlegging. However, his notoriety soon transformed to infamy when his barbarous crimes came into the …show more content…
He grew up in Missouri on a failing farm with two older brothers, a younger sister, and his parents. Once the farm life was over, they moved to Kansas City and Walt was enlisted as a paper boy by his father. Walt and his older brothers were often physically abused by their father and this caused one of his brothers to leave home. This left Walt feeling deserted. To entertain himself, he started drawing fictional characters. Gross, Daniel. Forbes: Greatest Business Stories of all Time. After moving again - this time to Chicago - Walt joined his school’s newspaper as the junior art editor. When he reached age sixteen, he volunteered driving for the American Red Cross ambulance