It is said that everyone …show more content…
receives at least fifteen minutes of fame, at least once. The climate of today’s world makes it increasingly easy for anybody to achieve celebrity. Aspiring “wanna-bees” can post their content on the internet to show off. Literally anybody can have a little bit of fame if they follow the right steps. Start a Youtube channel, create an Instagram video that goes viral, or a Snapchat picture that causes scandal. One person can put their face out their, and so can everybody. If Frida Kahlo was living today, she would no doubt use social media to promote her work. Her paintings would get attention and notoriety for their subject matter, especially in today’s political climate, with feminism being very important to some people. Her quotes captained below her pictures would jettison her to fame, or at the very least cause people to notice and relate to her. She would watch her follower count climb, depending on what platform she uses. Instagram would definitely be the best way for her to get her art out there so people could see it and share it. There are many popular artists who utilize this platform, allowing them to get their work out there for people to view it while gaining some notoriety and experience in the art community by acknowledging each other’s work. It is a given that if Frida was living in today’s world, she would be able to show her work off by using social media platforms, and due to how amazing her paintings were, she would be able to gain even more notoriety for her work. She would have been able to create a career the way she wanted to and this would have led to her becoming even more famous than she was given credit for in her time.
Frida’s artwork is objectively beautiful and heart-wrenching.
Her work is well-made with perfect brush-strokes and amazing color schemes. Frida’s work has always been critically acclaimed, even when she was alive. Her work does depict some disturbing imagery, such as blood, nudity, and emotional distress. She might even be called controversial, which means that she would be even more famous today. That would be an excellent way for her to get her career going. People always find someone to rip apart and with any luck it could be her. This would help advance her career and would lead to further success. Her artwork could also be affected by the way the world is now. The political unrest in certain parts of the world could definitely shape the way she paints, and she could paint about some of the issues that face modern America. Her values and ideals would definitely mix with modern feminism in a way that would guarantee her a prominent place at the head of the movement. Some aspects of her paintings would have to change due to the fact that some aspects of her life would be different, such as she would most likely not have polio or severe lasting issues from her trolley accident. Also, she would not have been in a trolley in the first place! Maybe destiny would work out either way, and she would have been injured in an Uber crash, but she could more than likely avoid this fate. Her medical issues would be handled differently as well, since medical care is different now than …show more content…
it was in the 1940s.
Frida had a very hard and complicated life, and this fueled her artwork to be as amazing as it is.
She even painted in the first place, because it was the only way to be productive and create from a hospital bed. Due to her contracting polio, she was often bullied and this fueled her artwork. After her trolley accident, she was hospitalized for a very long time. The boyfriend that she had been with in the bus left her, and she healed. She met Diego, who was an influential person at the time and fell in love with him. Later it was revealed that Diego had been adulterous. The relationship between her and Diego was extremely volatile and difficult for Frida. One of her famous paintings depicts her sitting next to herself, watching as her heart is bleeding due to Diego. She suffered greatly through her whole life, and that led to the way that she painted. If there is anything that people love, it is a success story from someone who had a rough life. People love watching people succeed, because it feels like they are winning and everyone loves an “underdog.” Frida is the ultimate underdog, not only due to her struggles, but also due to her upbringing and the way she was
Frida Kahlo is a name that a lot of people know, she has become an icon, now. There are lots of products with her face on them, and her artwork is shown around the world. However, she would be even more famous if she lived today. Social media would help her to show off her artwork, and let others experience her work and understand her. Her work is beautiful, and would definitely cause people to pay attention to the issues of 2017. Her struggles label her as an underdog, and further raise her to become an icon in the public eye. She would definlut be more famous if she lived today, due to all these intertwining factors.