George Washington joined British army in Virginia in 1755 and was made commander of all Virginia troops at age 23. After resigning in 1758 he got married and devoted time to development of his land in Mount Vernon. He bred cattle and horses and took care of fruit orchards. Washington was described as a very responsible landowner.
George Washington became politically …show more content…
Factories closed, banks failed, unemployment increased. He used social-economic reforms called New Deal which helped to lift the USA out of the Great Depression.
In the course of his life Roosevelt suffered from poliomyelitis. He even established a nonprofit foundation to aid polio patients. Although Roosevelt played an important part in Allied policy during the Second World War, unfortunately he did not live to the end of the war.
As I have mentioned two eminent presidents of the USA, I would like to continue talking about a person whose presidential election was historic in several aspects. John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. At the age of 43, he was the second youngest American president in history after Theodore Roosevelt, who took up a post at 42. He was also the first Catholic president and the first president born in the 20th century. With his inaugural speech he inspired Americans to be more active citizens. "Ask not what your country can do for you," he said. "Ask what you can do for your country."
Kennedy was a popular advocate of civil rights. In foreign affairs he recovered from the Bay of Pigs fiasco to demand successfully the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba (the Cuban Missile