
Why Is Gun Control Important

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Why Is Gun Control Important
Gun Control

One of the most important objects in America’s history are guns. At the start of America, there were all kinds of conflict with the Natives and with Britain. Guns were used as self protection to fight off warring Native Tribes, and to fight against the British in the Revolutionary War. For many decades guns were used to hunt for food and for protection when settlers expanded deeper in the North American Continent. Firearms are also used in a misguided way. For example, in many homicide or suicide cases, as well as robberies and other acts of injustice, guns are used to harm people or to instill fear. Reasons like these are why there are, and should be, gun regulations. Since the beginning of gun regulations in America, there
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In some of the most deadly shootings, assault rifles have been used, for example, the shooting at the nightclub in Orlando. These firearms can carry a magazine that can hold a fair amount of ammunition and is why they can injure a lot of people. This, of course, is the reason why people want to ban them. According to Giffords Law Center, “A 2007 report by the International Association of Chiefs of Police recommended that Congress enact an effective ban on military-style assault weapons in order to curb the ability of individuals to “outgun” law enforcement officers.” (Giffords Law Center). It is noticeable that these weapons are powerful, and popular among criminals.

The second position is to have stricter regulations. In order to keep certain people from buying guns, there need to be better gun restrictions. There are loopholes around buying guns and not having a background check done. This is one thing that really needs to be monitored better. Background checks help make sure that inadequate people don’t obtain guns. This prevents some unnecessary shootings, and is a major part in gun control
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There have been many people who have been monitored by the police and other federal agencies that were still able to purchase a firearm. If a person is under watch, they should be reported and very closely monitored. Nikolas Cruz, the man who is responsible for the shooting in South Florida, was someone who had had suspicious behavior before. It is reported that “Deputies with the Broward County Sheriff's Office were alerted to Cruz's behavior many times over the years…” and “Deputies with the Broward County Sheriff's Office were alerted to Cruz's behavior many times over the years” (Andone). If these leads were followed up, a mass shooting could have been prevented. It is reasons like this that the background check databases need to be updated in order for a safer gun restriction.

The third stance taken is to loosen gun laws, abling more people to get firearms. The Second Amendment is used to support the idea of allowing people to keep their guns. The Amendment protects the right of citizens to bear arms, that cannot be taken away, and it never should be. Statistics like this, “states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murders” (ProCon), make it hard to believe that we need to take guns away from people. If heavily restricting guns was a good thing, the murder rate would not go

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