He does not come right out and say how he is feeling. A memoir should be a full detail of how you are feeling, and what is happening considering they are only talking about a certain period of time. Throughout the book we learn what bothers Holden so much even though he never comes right out says it. It is his brother Allie who had died of cancer three years ago. Holden can't stand the fact that Allie didn't get to live his full life and that it was cut off short. The reader starts to realize this when Holden decides to write Stradlater's composition over Allie's baseball mitt that had poems written all over it, so he could read them while playing. The composition that he writes is very heartfelt, so when Stradlater comes home from his date and tells Holden that he doesn't like the composition, Holden gets very angry. Holden doesn't understand how such a funny, smart and all around great kid should have to go through what Allie did. That is the main reason for his trouble, even though he never comes out to say. It is what other people do and how Holden reacts is how the reader finds out about Holden's feelings. He never tells the reader
He does not come right out and say how he is feeling. A memoir should be a full detail of how you are feeling, and what is happening considering they are only talking about a certain period of time. Throughout the book we learn what bothers Holden so much even though he never comes right out says it. It is his brother Allie who had died of cancer three years ago. Holden can't stand the fact that Allie didn't get to live his full life and that it was cut off short. The reader starts to realize this when Holden decides to write Stradlater's composition over Allie's baseball mitt that had poems written all over it, so he could read them while playing. The composition that he writes is very heartfelt, so when Stradlater comes home from his date and tells Holden that he doesn't like the composition, Holden gets very angry. Holden doesn't understand how such a funny, smart and all around great kid should have to go through what Allie did. That is the main reason for his trouble, even though he never comes out to say. It is what other people do and how Holden reacts is how the reader finds out about Holden's feelings. He never tells the reader