First, it is the tool that allows communication with people from other countries in the globalized world in which we live. It is indisputable: English has become the global language of communication par excellence, one of the most popular in the world. Is an official language, or have a special status in 75 territories around the world.
10 reasons to learn English
1. It is the second most spoken language in the world, followed by the number of Chinese people.
2. International universities require the submission of an examination in foreign language, English is chosen by the vast majority of students worldwide.
3. It is the language of business, tourism, entertainment, etc.
4. 75 percent of the information by different media (books, newspapers, radio, television, etc..) is provided in English.
5. It is a requirement for graduation in any professional career in most countries.
6. Increases the possibility of being hired people who speak a foreign language.
7. Develop thinking skills and production.
8. Many instruction manuals are in English.
9. Lets get in touch with their people and their culture in a comprehensive manner.
10. On the Internet, 85 percent of the information is in this language.
disadvantage: it would be if it were moved or half illiterate. And the reasons to say so. The aim of this paper is, then, to see these reasons and educate youth and their families from the enormous importance of acquiring the language.
First, it is the tool that allows communication with people from other countries in the globalized world in which we live. It is indisputable: English has become the global language of communication par excellence, one of the most popular in the world. Is an official language, or have a