Some people believe that the CIA was behind the JFK assassination because Kennedy was not on good terms with the CIA. The CIA were angered by the new governing style Kennedy brought to the White House because they did not like how he was non-confrontational with America’s enemies (Hager 1). This created tension between JFK and the CIA. The tension first occurred after the Bay of Pigs, which was an invasion of Cuba planned by the CIA. Kennedy did not like how the invasion was carried out and he fired the CIA director and other leaders involved in the Bay of Pigs. The president had also told a senator of his plans to get rid of the whole CIA together (Hager 2). Another issue that the CIA and Kennedy had was regarding Fidel Castro, the Prime Minister of Cuba. The CIA wanted Castro gone and were mad at Kennedy for being unable to get rid of him (“Cuba” 1). The CIA also wanted Castro dead, and they attempted to kill him at …show more content…
It was recently revealed through documents about the JFK assassination, that Lee Harvey Oswald was never an FBI informant or paid by the FBI. This is proof to show that Oswald was never associated with the FBI. If Oswald was never an informant of the FBI, he most likely was not an informant of the CIA either. The series of documents about the JFK assassination that were released did not reveal any information about Oswald having ties to the CIA (Johnson 2). If the government did not have information on Oswald being paid by the CIA, the information probably never existed. Lee Harvey Oswald was a crazy and mentally unstable man. He was in the U.S. Marines and was court-martialed twice in 1958 for having an illegal weapon and for being violent (“Lee” 4). The CIA would have not trusted this psychotic man to carry out a task as huge and risky as assassinating the president of the United States. Especially if he could not even behave in the U.S.