Air traffic has amplified 20% since 1978, while the number of regulators and the level of regulator fortification gear has persisted equally. When traffic heaps up at an airport, a controller tower manager will often request that the controllers “get more tin [planes] on the ground” and then turn his back. The silent command is that the workers are theoretically to interrupt federal security guidelines by permitting planes to land too close together. If this fallouts in an accident, it is the workers, not the managers, who are held accountable (“The Economics of the Air Controllers’ Strike”).
It was ethically adequate for Reagan to fire the striking air traffic controllers. The dismissal of the workers was ethical because the workers new what the job was and they were well paid, but they started a strike anyways. The PATCO also denied the contract of cooperation by the FAA and went ahead to strike. Firing them was ethically suitable because they failed to notice to the presidents' stipulation of 48 hours of returning to