It is essencial for an organization to modernize and change in to the way it does business when business needs change and when the political and social aspects change. Transformation in an organization covers a vast variety of needs and activity, this is generally aimed at improving performana ce and productivity for an organization to survie. This can be achieved in many ways, from growth , innovation, skills development, as well as through downsizing, layoffs and replacement as well as shift in asssets resources or market shares.
In moset cases organixations have little chance but to change. As the global world move faster ans faster ans shift unpredictablily organixationsl transformations is needed and required. Conventinonal thinking suggest that when there is a right business structures in place it will provide suffu cuent amount of innovation, and agility for an organization to succeed and sustain. In most cases the business decisions that were once clear and knowing are becoming more complicated and ambiguous. This leads to skilled individeuals with very good track record to fail in c ollaboration. They are unable to work together to understand challenges, and form a game plan to resolve them. They continue to be falling back to traditional boundries and turf wars.
When collaboration with others and coordinate across supply chain remains elusive. Innovation is stalled ans customer focus is uncoordinated and uneven implementation.
Change is the only constand in the world today. To have a successfully transition or change in an organization it to first engage the people who will help make the change happen. Its not change that causes failure but the transistion process.
Some organizational change is small like a department but others are large that in voles an entire organization. Regardless of the change there will always be resistant to change even