Many factors are important when picking an artifact or piece of art. Price is one of the biggest. If it is to expensive the museum will not be able to afford it. Museums cost a lot of money to run and the amount of people coming changes throughout the year. If the museums spends a lot of money on new art or artifacts and not enough people visit the museum, the museum will lose money (source A). The price of the art or artifact needs to be thought about when choosing what to get. The person looking for new pieces should know what the museum can afford and always think about price. …show more content…
Why is that certain piece of artwork or artifact being chosen? The person should consider if people will want to come to the museum to see the work. Is it something that the museum feels everyone should see and know about or do they just want to use it to sell things? Museums will get a piece of artwork or an artifact so they can sell things related to the work in the gift shop (source D). The art or artifact should draw people to the museum. The person choosing what artifact or piece of art to get should keep this in