It has never worked, because he would quickly get up from the corner and go back to acting out. One time, when my brother spanked his behind(not too hard) my nephew stopped and realized he was doing something bad. I have always told my siblings that whenever I have a child, I would give them a spank or two if they misbehave. I guess in order to change my view point, I would have to see these other techniques being as effective. Or lets say the spanking gets too out of hand, and turns abusive. If I was to ever see a situation where a child is being abuse, then that would most likely change my opinion on spanking. Then I would turn to an alternative
It has never worked, because he would quickly get up from the corner and go back to acting out. One time, when my brother spanked his behind(not too hard) my nephew stopped and realized he was doing something bad. I have always told my siblings that whenever I have a child, I would give them a spank or two if they misbehave. I guess in order to change my view point, I would have to see these other techniques being as effective. Or lets say the spanking gets too out of hand, and turns abusive. If I was to ever see a situation where a child is being abuse, then that would most likely change my opinion on spanking. Then I would turn to an alternative