on several occasions, she ple beaten multiple times by her own people (pg 26). Conditions in the boxcars didn't get any better from there. Often times the Jews were told to stand in the cars with their hands in the air to make more room for other passengers, usually about 80 per car. The Germans would even sometimes use a layer of quicklime, which would melt the feet of the deportees. The Jews also had no form of sanitation, besides maybe a bucket that would be passed around by feet.
Along their journey, the Jews had no food or water. The average trip length lasted around 4 days(aish.com). The Jews had nothing to eat or drink for that period of time. The only way they could have food or water was if it rained, there may be a leak in the car, or if they were given a tiny ration of food that tasted horrible. Sometimes before they could get into the boxcar, they would have to wait extra days on railroad spurs for other trains to pass. Many people died before they got to the camps due to the extremely long periods without food or water. Temperatures in the boxcars were almost unbearable.
In the summer, the Jews would have to suffer through blaring heat. What's even is worse is that they had to stay in one position, so they couldn't do anything to fix the problem. Lots of people had heat strokes, leading to death. During the winter, they would have to face freezing temperatures with no way to stay warm. They could try to huddle up close to each other, but it was at points so cold that cramming together to preserve body heat was no longer useful. Many suffered from hypothermia, not always resulting in death, which would make the journey even worse. On top of the weather, being crammed together would certainly just add to the problem. Temperature was a very big deal during the deportations.
Jews being deported in boxcars went through the some rough times. They faced packed spaces, no food or water, and brutal weather. This was a very sad time in history. Many people died or lost loved ones. The Holocaust changed the course of history forever. If there is one
we can all agree on, it is that transportation was an awful experience for everyone who had to go through it.