Recognizing things that serve as triggers can be extremely beneficial in helping you manage them later. “Anxiety triggers are those things—people, places, situations, or experiences—that increase the physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety” (Healthy Place). For people with anxiety, triggers can be anything that broach a traumatic memory or uncomfortable feeling. According to Healthline, “for some people, anxiety attacks can be triggered for no reason at all.” If you know your triggers, it will make it remarkably easier to manage them. …show more content…
There is a myriad of ways to manage your triggers, however they will take time. Some common methods include deep breathing exercises, talking to someone, stepping away from the situation to calm down, exercising, etc. “One way to treat anxiety is to face your worries and apprehension associated with upcoming challenges in advance to reduce anxiety symptoms” (Healthy Place, 2012). For people with anxiety, this may be difficult because that means putting yourself in situations that precipitate the anxiety, but “anxiety can easily be described as a problem with control” (Calm Clinic), therefore, you have the power to manage