Fire safety is very relative component to our lives. Sprinkler systems in buildings create water damage, but that negative aspect is outweighed by how many lives they save. Educating individuals on fire safety is very important. Perception is essential to teaching and the learning process. People are resistant to changes so it is important to be encouraging. Learning from our history is essential to preventing new health risks. Most people think …show more content…
At my work for example we have to use gloves when cleaning because we are dealing with chemicals that could burn the skin.
I thought it was very interesting when the officer was talking about how people don’t really listen to safety briefings before they go on an airplane for example. I know personally I don’t pay attention much in circumstances like that. He has inspired me to encourage others to actually listen to those briefings because anything could happen.
The explanation on how the public depends on us opened my eyes to the importance of safety jobs. I know personally when I go into somewhere I assume all the correct safety measures are in place. I am less cautious because I already believe there is protection there.
Learning about how helping the sprinkler systems are makes me want to get one in my home. I would like to talk to the landlord and inform him on how helpful they would be if they installed them in all of the