627). In the Church’s eyes there were very gender-specific roles for men and women in life which made the ERA a moral issue, in their opinion the ERA contradicted the Church’s fundamental beliefs. Spencer W. Kimball had no fear in emphasizing the Church’s views of the ERA and so he set into motion a series of editorials in the Deseret New’s Church News section as well as sending word to every church ward that the were to recruit at least ten women to attend the Utah International Women’s Year conference (IWY) (Young, pg. 623). The IWY conference was being held to discuss various issues including the ERA and the conference in Utah was the …show more content…
624). Many Mormon women that were recruited to speak out or vote against the ERA did not have much knowledge on the matter and most had not even heard of the ERA until the Church itself made them aware of it. Most women decided that if the Church was against the ERA then they were also, even going so far as writing letters to the legislatures in various states to oppose the