Does the high level of Carbon Dioxide (C02) possibly harm the Earth’s planetary biosphere, or has it already done so; in fact, many worldwide scientists have protested that the Earth is at its ‘tipping point’ but no efforts have been adapted to save the biosphere? A support of this controversial topic; congressional meeting and testimony, is from one of the top U.S. climate scientists, James Hansen to Former Vice President Al Gore, with an emphasis on the cause of C02. Beyond the ozone layer is atmospherically holey, Earth’s temperature is rising, and the climate changing conversely, one that people trivialized the most is: Global warming. Increasingly, subject to concern not only via online discussion, magazine and article but also part of the agenda at the Whitehouse, “We can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy,” said, President Barack Obama. Is global warming a major concern when the world is economically depending on the burning of fossil fuels? Is the world merely a tumbled target, yet again, to politically afflict and advertise? All the same, The Whitehouse makes no solid effort in claiming that U.S. and the Earth is facing vulnerability, if the burning of fossil fuel is not imposed immediately. Despite all these controversial discussions, scientists have shown that global warming is at its tipping point, C02 level are historically rising and temperatures are getting hotter because humans continue disregard its actions.…