
Why Is Louis Xvi Justified In Absolute Rule

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Why Is Louis Xvi Justified In Absolute Rule
Louis XVI was born into royalty, and unexpectedly became King at a young age. Oblivious to the world outside his palace, Louis XVI spent enormous amounts of money on himself, his lifestyle, and his wife, Marie Antoinette. He ruled France with more absolute power than any other French monarch, however, this power wasn’t used to France’s advantage. Louis XVI believed in the divine right of Kings, therefore, it was his conviction that he was directly connected to God. Consequently, the King justified his absolute rule over the citizens of France. The foundation of this government, the Ancien Regime, was the political system of France prior to the French Revolution where King Louis established his absolute power. The French people were divided into Three Estates; the clergy, the nobles and the Third Estate, which included workers and peasants. Under the regime, every citizen was a subject of the King and a member of an Estate. The decline of the Ancien Regime during the French Revolution can be fully blamed on King Louis XVI, because of his weak leadership style, the decisions he made resulting in financial devastation, and his refusal to allow the citizens a voice in …show more content…
This document, The Declaration of Rights of Man recognized the King and allowed him veto power and the ability to appoint ministers. This compromise, meant to be a transition was unpopular among revolutionary radicals. The second article of The Declaration states, “The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.” This document marked the end of King Louis XVI’s absolute monarchy, that prohibited representation and denied rights to the majority of citizens in

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