Nike shoes are the best in the shoe company because of their popularity, how they are business savvy, and how they aren't just about making money but helping others. Nike: the shoe company that that has taken over the world in the shoe game. Nike shoes are the best in the shoe company because of they are technologically advanced, their highly fashionable, and have a high popularity. Nike helps many others besides themselves. According to "Sustainable Business Report",. Nike donated to charities last year 52 million in cash and sport products to charity and youth sport facilities Nike donates to give others a chance to play with the best gear the best shoes they don't just give money they give shoes some kids don't …show more content…
According to "BRING INSPIRATION AND INNOVATION TO EVERY ATHLETE* IN THE WORLD" They started facilities and organizations in 42 countries and they do what they can to help the youth with getting what they need to play sports. Nike also started funding donations set to a goal to raise money to help. Funds that people can help and donate themselves they help reach a goal and with these funds they have company partners that help reach the goal by giving in big donations. Nike Isn't just about making money or being number one in the shoe game they also do a lot for the community by making donations, starting organizations,to making fundraisers and this is in and out of the United States they help those in need and supply them with shoes and …show more content…
Nike is the best sneaker company at selling sneakers and selling out. All these athletes sign with nike to make shoes because Nike was the better choice in technology in giving them more a choice in design. They could have signed with other companies, but Nike was the best choice. Ranked from number one and up, Adidas first highest paying athlete comes in at #5 Lionel Messi with 20 million a year and Nike is first on the chart with Jordan coming in at 60million a year. According to ¨Forbes. Forbes Magazine¨. with nike having the most high paid players they out rank the other companies having new athletes join they want the first sponsor with nike they want to make it and have a shoe with them. Nike adds more players those players earn more popularity and then everyone wants there shoes they want their gear.
Nike is dominating the basketball courts with their gear with ninety six percent of all the gear and shoes is nike only 4% is Under Armour, Adidas, and other brands. "Complex Sneakers" says that Nike is controlling the court making all the new athletes want to partner up with them. Nike has the best technology and they have the best choices with shoes when it comes to basketball everyone wants them and with basketball getting bigger and bigger nike will just come up with more ideas. Nike Id is giving the people the choice of making there own shoe