Shawna Smith
Tiffany Hanshaw
April 7, 2013
Obesity is an epidemic that is affecting more and more people. Merriam-Webster defines obesity as, “a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body (A Merriam-Webster web site, 2013).” Stress and illness as well as genetics are some of the most common causes of obesity. This illness does not have one particular group of people that it affects more than others but there are factors that impact and better increase a person’s chances of becoming obese. Poor eating habits play a major role in the condition of obesity. It is beneficial to eat a well-balanced diet daily to maintain a healthy weight. A healthy …show more content…
Emotional and task eating are two ways people’s eating habits can change as a result of stress. The emotional eater is eating to get satisfaction from food or to use it as a diversion from another issue they are dealing with. Task eaters tend to eat on the go. Distractions of pressing issues and busy lives can cause a lack of attention to what we are eating. It is almost as if we are just going through the motion like robots. The drive through becomes the convenience that takes away the stress of what we are going to cook for dinner or trying to get everything done and there is no time to go home and cook. Most of those foods are high in fat and calories but the ease of getting them makes them one less we have to be concerned …show more content…
Maintaining a sensible workout plan and continuing to eat healthy will help keep the problem of obesity from striking. Keeping ourselves psychologically healthy is important too. Stress can cause anyone to lose focus and start on the downward slope to an unhealthy lifestyle. Surrounding ourselves with supportive people and weeding out things in our lives that are not in our best interest can help keep us on the path to optimal health. If we feel ourselves losing control find someone to talk to. That person could be a mentor, friend, co-worker, or family member who wants nothing but the best for us. Obesity is a disease that impacts the lives of many, but it is not one that is incurable. With proper education and support we can begin winning the battle against this illness. Making the choices necessary to invoke change and sticking to them, we will begin to see a downturn in the number of cases of obesity being reported. It is not an individual problem but one that affects us all in one way or another. It is up to us how we choose to deal with it if we make that choice at