As you reflect on this week’s readings, discuss the most important competencies a Master’s prepared nurse leader should have for your chosen specialty CSM, INF, NED. How do these competencies guide your own practice? Does your career plan include the competencies you have identified? How important is specialty certification for today’s master’s prepared nurse?…
How did beer lead to the development of cities in Mesopotamia and Egypt? Grains grew widespread in the Fertile Crescent (The crescent shaped area which had an ideal climate and soil for growing plants and raising livestock, it stretches from Egypt, up the Mediterranean coast to Turkey, and then down again to the border between Iraq and Iran.) causing the unintentional discovery of beer. The Fertile Crescent’s extremely rich soil was suitable for the growth of cereal grains after the last ice age, which occurred around 10,000 BCE. Hunter-gatherers were drawn to the cereal grains and, the ability to keep the grains for long periods of time stimulated them to stay. If they hunter-gatherers could thrive of off the wild grain if they were willing to stay near it and harvest at its peak. After the hunter-gatherers had spent so much time collecting the grain they would have been reluctant to leave the grain that they had collected nor could they travel with it. For this reason hunter-gatherers began to settle on the land. These settlers soon found that the grain could be stockpiled for long periods of time without spoiling. The technology of these settlers was still in development so storage spaces were not usually watertight, and when the water got into the stockpile of the collected grains they started to sprout and acquired a sweet taste. Thus becoming malted grains. When gruel, which is made of boiled malted grains, was left to sit for a couple of days it undertakes an interesting transformation. It becomes a pleasantly intoxicating and slightly bubbly liquid, as the yeasts from the gruel turn it to alcohol. The cereal grains used to make beer was often used as an eatable currency, because everyone needed it. People traded and sold it, causing the development and expansion of cities.…
At present, the developmental role for the Associates level RN is clinically oriented (Saccomono & Pinto-Zip 2011). The educational requirements are related specifically to the clinical setting. For example; Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and related math’s, but it lacks specific leadership teachings. Unfortunately Associate level RNs find themselves poorly prepared to delegate or preform in supervisory roles. Even as nursing students, we are taught how to assess patients, monitor vital signs, and administer intramuscular and intravascular medications. We are told that we are supervisors to LPNs and Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) yet the program lacks classes specifically designated to leadership and delegation. Even in the clinical setting while we are putting all of our classroom knowledge to the test, the clinical setting is about developing bedside nursing and assessment skills. As a result, staff nurses are often thrust into managerial positions but have…
(2002). The role of management control systems in health care organizations. Business Administration, Accounting Health Sciences, Health Care Management. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from…
The writer is working in a medical intensive care unit (MICU) in a structured hospital. Every year, there is a group of fresh graduated polytechnic students coming to her unit as new staff. As a senior staff nurse, she was assigned to be a student’s preceptor, to guide the new staff during the probation period.…
The IOM report states the, “nursing leader must be able to translate new research findings to the practice environment and into nursing education and from nursing education into practice and policy” (IOM report, 2010). A leader must possess the ability to collaborate and work in full partnership with physicians as well as other members of the healthcare profession. A leader must ensure involvement with committees and boards where policies and decisions are made. Thus, providing nurses a voice in the decision-making process of improving healthcare…
In addition, the report also recommends nurses to be full partners with the physicians and other members of the healthcare team to effectively increase the quality of care given to the patients (National Research Council, 2013). Because nurses are such strong advocates for patients, it would truly benefit the patient to have nurses participating in leadership roles. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, embedding leadership development into the nursing curriculum will have a positive effect on the amount of nurses fulfilling leadership roles in their healthcare setting (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d). As a nurse, I have seen plenty of new graduates over the years. As time goes on, it is evident how better prepared and more motivated the new graduates are from the previous graduates for these leadership roles.…
The IOM report recommends to provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership roles and serve as full partners in health care. According to (, nursing leaders must act as full partners with physicians and must be accountable for their own contributions to delivering high quality care while working collaboratively with leaders from other health professions. To become a nurse leader, one has to get higher level of education that is master's or doctoral and should have great leadership skills. In order to ensure that nurses are ready to assume leadership roles, nursing education programs need to embed leadership related competencies throughout and should have leadership development and mentoring program available (…
Quality and safety of patient care are the aspects that can be determine by the role played by an RN. In the practice of a care plan, communication is the most effective factor and an RN ensures better communication with the patient as well as with the family so the aspect of discrimination can be significantly mitigated. Within the environment of the health care organization, the RN ensures the privacy of the patients and their families. The quality of leadership possessed by an RN is not a series of task but an attitude that is associated with the behavior (Harrington & Terry, 2013). The RN is involved in a number of functions which are entailed with the performance of duties as a role model, involvement in teamwork for the facilitation of patient-centered care, utilization of advance technologies and information, provision of care based on researches and theories, and being promoter of health by counseling the patients and…
The essential expertise of a health professional is to provide quality and safety to patient care which includes respect and dignity, advocacy, accountability, empathy, intentionality, and kind (Burhans & Alligood 2010, p. 1694). A nurse manager can develop strategies to provide quality and safe patient care to acquire better patient care outcome. Moreover, nurse educator can provide in services to the…
As a preceptor and a nurse manager, it is a duty to ensure that the Jane has adequate orientation to the environment and staff routine, which in turn will allow her to build support with other staffs. By doing this, it will reduce the anxiety level that might be causing the stress in Jane (Barr, 2011). Other alternative reason that could play a role in this unpunctuality of Jane is also known as the “theory-practice gap”. (Meleis, 2011) In this theory, it is described as a problem faced by members of the nursing profession which is unavoidably encountered by almost all nurses in varying situations. Students who faced this, has difficulty in matching textbook clinical situations to the real clinical setting (Meleis, 2011) which results in stress and inability to cope as in the case of Jane which in turn leads to her being late for work and late in reporting back after her lunch breaks. As a preceptor, close supervision is needed to help Jane overcome this problem of the theory-practice gap if she is indeed facing it. This would allow Jane feel secure that the preceptor is there to intervene should the need arise and allows the preceptor to guide Jane through the process of this transition. (Landers,…
Leadership is the process of influencing, communicating, and motivating groups of people in order to accomplish goals (Huber, 2014). This role is underpinned with trust and requires an emotional intelligence from the leaders themselves. Other needed skills involve a cognitive ability to understand the situation at hand, a behavioral competency in order to adapt to the situation, and a process competency that allows effective communication to others (Huber, 2014). Leaders focus on people and group goals. Leadership is important in nursing because through leadership the various elements of nursing practice are implemented to ensure the best quality of care…
Knowledge for the nurse executive includes clinical, evidence based practice, knowledge, delivery models, economics and policy of healthcare, governance, promote patient safety, evaluate performance and improvement and provide risk management. In Leadership, the nurse executive provides foundational and systematic knowledge, development of the leadership succession plan, and adjust leadership style to the situation. The nurse executive uses business skills for financial management, human resource, strategic and information and technology management. While, professionalism for a nurse executive includes self-accountability, career planning ethics and advocacy (AONE,…
To me, being a professional nurse leader means helping other achieve their highest potential though education and competency training. According to Zimmerman (2013), the nursing professional assists and leads nursing staff though changes in technology, clinical outcomes and the need for new models of care. As I obtain additional education and knowledge in leadership my perception of the role of the nurse will change from a clinical, direct patient care model to a complex system of policy, leadership, technology, community health, clinical outcomes and evidence based practice nursing. My view of nursing will be broadened as I learn the framework behind leading and managing other nursing staff.…
In the rainforest ecosystem, everything is connected to one another. There is an interconnectedness existing in this ecosystem. To continue to function, the ecosystem depends on the interactions between the biotic and abiotic factors. An ecosystem survives by a combination of energy flow and matter recycling. To understand the interconnectedness of the ecosystem, food webs and food chains could be observed. Each organism depends on each other to survive and maintain their populations. In the food web, there are the producers and the consumers. The producers produce their food by the sun; they are autotrophs. This is one of the main ways energy is introduced into the ecosystem from the sun to the organisms. Herbivores depend on these producers for their food and energy. Carnivores depend on the herbivores for their food and energy, and omnivores depend on the producers and consumers for their food and energy. A dependency can be seen as the organisms rely on one another for energy.…