
Why Is Rome Still Burning

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Why Is Rome Still Burning
Rome is burning to the ground and the senators are doing nothing about it. This is often times how it feels looking at the state of American democracy. There are rampant problems that have come to infect society, either by direct sate intervention or through natural progression. One only needs to turn to the state of the American health care system, the debate around guns, and the criminal justice system to see that Rome is burning. Massive problems plague society and Congress seems to be doing nothing to alleviate the issues. Is Rome actually burning or is this sensationalism through the media? If the problems are actually real and tangible, what has caused them? Finally, what can be done about it? Although there are massive flaws in American society …show more content…
As society has progressed and technology has improved, people have slowly migrated to different areas of the United States based upon social, cultural, and political preferences. The gun toting rednecks have moved to Republican areas (or rather have stayed put) and young liberals have moved to coastal cities to pursue their own interests. This migration has exacerbated political division, which ostensibly poses a threat to American democracy. Bishop’s critique of the situation seems inaccurate. While his description of the big sort phenomenon is accurate, and rather intuitive, it doesn’t seem to be a problem. Due to the big sort, people are living much happier and fulfilling lives in communities that cater to them. There is no intrinsic problem with people moving away from a place that they dislike and moving to a place that they do. In fact, I very much want to escape Oklahoma and move to one of these cities. Recently visiting Philadelphia only further encouraged my desire to leave a place I dislike. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nobody want to live in a place that where they feel unwelcome and where they don’t

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