He was perfectly willing to boss people around to achieve what his vision of america should be. He was loyal to his people which also earned him a lot of respect from the american people. His political advisors had a large effect on him especially his wife Nancy. He was right America needed to be pushed in the right direction and he was the man to do it.
Regan was criticised throughout his presidential career because he didn’t much care for how things got done he just wanted what he wanted. He was called arrogant by many. This had no effect on his popularity because he was coming up with ideas and solutions unlike some of the previous presidents before him.
Ronald Reagan’s presidency was filled with plenty of notable events. One of the most popular of these events was Reagan’s appointment of Robert Bork and the supreme court decision. To my surprise this was not talked about in the book. Although it was not brought up he filled a number of supreme court spots while moving it to a more conservative position. In this sequence of events was when Anthony Kennedy (one of the most powerful justices in U.S. history)was appointed as a justice instead of Robert