
Why Is Segregation So Important To The Civil Rights Movement?

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Why Is Segregation So Important To The Civil Rights Movement?
In 1619, African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, they were kidnapped by whites and forced into hard labour. Slaves were sold at auctions. The slaves that were considered rather grotesque were forced to work in the fields, be drivers and some even domestic house workers and the slaves that were good looking were sold into prostituition and raped. Slaves worked day and night, 6 days a week and in return they got shelter and food. Blacks had no freedom whatsoever, but the freedom to work. They were not allowed to carry a handgun, to get an education, get married and most of all they were not allowed to stop working with their master’s consent. Many slaves attempted to escape their masters, although some were successful the others …show more content…
So now black people are free but they are not equal. Segregation is the enforced separation of different racial groups publically. This means that the black people were not allowed to do certain things such as use white restrooms, sit in the front of the bus, and go to white schools. Anything that whites did blacks were not allowed to take part in it. It was a harsh cold period of American history, many lives losts, lynchings, unfair treatments and protests. Out of this era came many great names, many freedom fighters. Such as Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King …show more content…
Today in modern society whites and blacks are somewhat treated equal , everyone goes to the same school, same stores, churches, sporting events and etc. After segregation there has been very much discrimination against the African American some instances being rather minor and some being pretty big. The big cases of discrimination against black people have actually been pretty recent and the guilty were considered innocent. These cases being the case of Michael Brown, Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin.

The most recent case was that of Michael Brown a 18 year old male who was walking with his friend to the local liquor store. According to Michael’s friend Dorian Johnson an officer pulled up beside them and shouted “Get the F*** out of the street!”. The young men tell him that they were only a minute away from their destination and they would be out of the street. The officer drives away and returns aggressively almost ramming into Michael Brown. The officer throws his door open with aggression and the door hits Brown and closes back on the officer. The officer (identified as Darren Wilson) grabs the young male by his neck and pull him in a chokehold. Brown is desperately trying to get away. Darren Wilson then draws his weapon on the young men. Johnson moves out of the way and the officer shoots Brown in his upper torso. It has been said by some that Brown wrestled with the officer over

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