Even if Slaves had been kindly treated it would still have been completely wrong and unjustifiable. This is because Slavery denies people their most basic rights; freedom, equality,and our value as a living person not ¾ ‘a person. It is still completely wrong to keep a person as a possession like a tool. And treat them like that. Slavery is the now illegal capture of Africans, and selling of Africans as Servants or Possessions to a planter. To be a slave is to be owned by another person. An enslaved person is a human being made to be a slave. A Chattel slave is an enslaved person who is owned forever, and whose children’s children are enslaved at birth .Planters had Slaves to tend their crops and act as servants for their homes. Slaves were denied the “fruits of their labor” because all the long hours and cruel punishments they endured to produce cash crops, was worth nothing, as the planters inherited all the money and produce from their slaves
Even if Slaves had been kindly treated it would still have been completely wrong and unjustifiable. This is because Slavery denies people their most basic rights; freedom, equality,and our value as a living person not ¾ ‘a person. It is still completely wrong to keep a person as a possession like a tool. And treat them like that. Slavery is the now illegal capture of Africans, and selling of Africans as Servants or Possessions to a planter. To be a slave is to be owned by another person. An enslaved person is a human being made to be a slave. A Chattel slave is an enslaved person who is owned forever, and whose children’s children are enslaved at birth .Planters had Slaves to tend their crops and act as servants for their homes. Slaves were denied the “fruits of their labor” because all the long hours and cruel punishments they endured to produce cash crops, was worth nothing, as the planters inherited all the money and produce from their slaves