By passing AP tests, students can possibly earn college credit. By getting good grades on SBACs in junior year, students can become exempted from exams involving the class you scored well in. If the student passes their NECAPs most teachers give them treats or rewards. By having a reward at the end, it allows students to want to succeed and want to do better on these tests. It makes it more valuable for the school district to get accurate results and more valuable to the students by getting something in return also. It’s been proven time and time again that to use rewards in learning has children try harder and harder. In kindergarten classes they reward children with skittles if the child can read a sentence correctly or contribute to group activities. It’s a method that has worked for decades, and by mixing standardized testing and rewards, the students being tested feel like their work and studying for this was worth it at the
By passing AP tests, students can possibly earn college credit. By getting good grades on SBACs in junior year, students can become exempted from exams involving the class you scored well in. If the student passes their NECAPs most teachers give them treats or rewards. By having a reward at the end, it allows students to want to succeed and want to do better on these tests. It makes it more valuable for the school district to get accurate results and more valuable to the students by getting something in return also. It’s been proven time and time again that to use rewards in learning has children try harder and harder. In kindergarten classes they reward children with skittles if the child can read a sentence correctly or contribute to group activities. It’s a method that has worked for decades, and by mixing standardized testing and rewards, the students being tested feel like their work and studying for this was worth it at the